Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm a blogger now - I think!

I'm finally entering the age of blogging. At least I'm going to give it a try. I just hope this "old dog" can learn "new tricks". So far, I've lost my first attempt to write this post. It's lost in cyberspace, I suppose. My first version was SOOOO good! But, I'm trying it again. I'm sure it gets esier - at least I hope so!

I don't know where it will lead me. Will it be part of my business, or just a hobby? Will I be able to keep it up? I want to run it, not have it run me! I have so many creative interests that I'm not sure which ones I'll highlight - maybe all of them. I work with fiber, paints, dyes, whatever. I sew, quilt, embroider, embellish - basically I play! Sometimes I even get paid to play. I'm also a Nana teaching my granddaughter to sew, and all the other things I do. We have a great time playing together. What more could I ask for?

So, I'll give blogging a go and see where it takes me. Check back occasionally to see how I'm doing! I'll be sure to post a "good'bye" message if I decide to give up on this adventure. Until then, stay tuned.......


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